that l0ve never lasts...
and we've g0t t0 find 0ther ways t0 make it al0ne...
0r keep a straight face..."
em0ti0nal l0ve st0ry begin:
.....there's g0nna be 0ne less lonely girl.....
have u cried 0n bef0re?
h0w many pr0mises,be h0nest girl,
h0w many tears u let hit the fl0or?
h0w many bags u packed,just t0 take him back
tell me that h0w many either 0rs...
h0w many dinner dates,set dinner plates,
and he did't even t0uch his f0od?
h0w many t0rn ph0t0graphs i saw u tapping back
tell me that u c0uld't see an 0pen d00r...
s0,wh0 else...?
c0uld fix up y0ur br0ken heart?
and,wh0m else...?
g0tta give u a brand new start?
wh0m else...
g0nna make u believe again?
dear boys,
d0nt EVER hurt y0ur lil' sh0rtee anym0re.....
d0nt EVER hurt y0ur lil' sh0rtee anym0re.....
their hearts are fragile...
s0,please hold it carefully...
a g0od girl is priceless...
s0, them right...
n0tes:but if she h0lla,let her go.....=)